Our Process


Building and maintaining each other’s trust throughout our relationship is critical. We take time to get to know each other and build a relationship from the first appointment. We will ask questions and seek the financial information that completes our understanding of your current financial picture. Aside from financial facts, we want to know your goals and desires.


Our team of advisors and staff work together and collaborate with you to guide the design of your customized financial strategies. Our pictures tell the story of where you are and where you can go. We will set goals and work together to get there. We are here for questions that arise along the path to financial security.


Taking action on your strategies begins the journey to financial confidence. We will connect you to the needed resources to ensure each strategy is achieved in your best interest. We maintain our presence with you and have mutual accountability for the necessary follow-through.


To achieve your financial goals most of us need support, so we monitor your strategies and progress. While monitoring accounts is our obligation, a face-to-face annual review is a must. Such a meeting gives us both the chance to remain up-to-date and the ability to adapt to new circumstances and changes that occur. At the intersection of your life and finance, Ford Mays Wealth Management is there for you.

“We wrap our arms around you and never let you go” – Ford Mays

We care for you just as we care for our own family members. We build trust from the start and work to maintain that trust throughout our relationship. We seek a lifetime relationship with you, your  family, and your friends.

Once our mutual trust is built, we work with you to design your unique financial plan. When you are ready to implement it, we provide a concierge experience that guides the actions we both need to take. We meet with you annually to monitor your progress, understand what has changed in your lives, share new ideas and opportunities, and adjust and adapt the plan as warranted.

After decades of reviews with our clients, we know that life always brings changes – marriage, divorce, new births, deaths, new jobs, retirement.  Those changes may mean a change to the financial plan, but what will never change is our approach with you – caring for you.

Our team is approachable, so call us if you need anything – we’ll be here.

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